You don’t want to miss these great book deals

You don’t want to miss these great book deals

I missed one.I missed a newsletter!oeps. Sorry. But I do have a good reason. I was on holiday. For the first time since the start of the pandemic I actually went away for a few days. It was great. Absolutely fantastic.So, where did you go? you may ask. Well, I went to...

Discounted books and a few free ones.

Discounted books and a few free ones.

Another two weeks gone. Time flies, especially when you have a lot to do. I'm nearly finished with the first book in the new series, re-editing some of the others and I just sent out the outline for the third book in the Prophecy series for the cover. I'm not...

Who needs a new book discount?

Who needs a new book discount?

So, how is my new book doing? you may ask. Well... ...It's actually going well, only taking a lot longer than I hoped. But it will be finished when it's finished, I guess. This is the first book in the new series and I want to make sure it's exactly as I...

Great books anyone?

Great books anyone?

Too much rain. In the last two years we had warm summers with little rain here in the south of Holland. Though nice for vacationing families, it was bad news for the farmers. There just was not enough water to grow the crops. I have two horses. The majority...

Who wants a great book?

Who wants a great book?

Hello from the now not so sunny HollandLast newsletter I said it was summer here; 30 degrees celsius and sunny. Well, it seems I shouldn't have said it out loud. It is now only 12 degrees and has rained the whole day. Can't say we don't have variations in the weather...

Books to read this summer

Books to read this summer

PRIMAL NATURE IS STILL 99 CENTSFOR A VERY LIMITED TIME.Click on the image above and get your copy. It's summer here in Holland now. Over 30 degrees centigrade, we are not made for this. Or at least I am not. I'm a Brit. I like the cold. Yes, I'm weird. I...

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