New book, anyone?

New book, anyone?

I can’t live without a book. I have to have at least one book that I am currently reading and preferably two or more waiting their turn. So for me, the answer is “yes” I do need a new book. If you have a suggestion, please mail me at...
Life without books?

Life without books?

What would life be without books? Probably different things for different people.For me, it would be hell. I love to read. It’s a great way to relax. I enjoy reading while at the same time soaking in my big, super isolated bath. The water stays warm...
Life without books?

new book in progress. sneak preview

I’m writing a new story. The first book in a new series.Title: The Devil You Know.Like all of my books, it falls in the Supernatural suspense/Urban fantasy genre. And in line with my style, I have taken something most people are familiar with and given it my own...
Life without books?

I’m still writing my socks off

Writing is a 24/7 thing sometimes. My mind just never shuts down. When I’m immersed in a new story, I kind of forget to sleep. That’s not quite right. I go to bed, close my eyes and then… … Then new scenes and dialogue come to me. I do my...

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