Books galore

Books galore

You wouldn’t happen to know a screenwriter would you?I’m looking for one to help me write the script for The Devil You Know I’m really serious about seeing The Devil You Know on the big screen or TV. This year I entered the book...
Discounted books and a few free ones.

Discounted books and a few free ones.

Another two weeks gone. Time flies, especially when you have a lot to do. I’m nearly finished with the first book in the new series, re-editing some of the others and I just sent out the outline for the third book in the Prophecy series for the cover....
Who needs a new book discount?

Who needs a new book discount?

So, how is my new book doing? you may ask. Well… …It’s actually going well, only taking a lot longer than I hoped. But it will be finished when it’s finished, I guess. This is the first book in the new series and I want to make sure...

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